Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Sidewalkers

        There is a group of friends who we like to call "The Sidewalkers." We gave them this nickname because they enjoy sitting outside between our rows of houses to do their homework when the weather is nice. I think that is a great idea. Fantastic, really! I LOVE being outside! And it's smart of them to take advantage of the weather before it slowly deteriorates. They are a friendly bunch, too, that would probably warmly welcome anyone who wanted to join them.

        Well, now, niceties aside, I always have three thoughts go through my head when I see them (most often when I go to get the mail, or on occasion when a date or other friend picks me up at my front door...and then brings me home again):

        First, I think, Really, would you guys mind moving your feet when you see me coming down the sidewalk so I don't have to do this awkward little jig between you...both ways?

        Second, I think, I know you are out here all afternoon, but do you really get any homework done?

        And on my way back, after having already greeted them once, I wonder if I am supposed to greet them again. If not, then what is the socially acceptable thing to do here? Sometimes I just smile, and other times I try to act natural and avoid all eye contact. Maybe I'm supposed to stop and chat with them for awhile? I feel like my life would be a lot easier if we didn't live at the very far end of our apartment complex...


  1. Joey and I had similar thoughts as we tried to take our stroller to your apartment: "Seriously, you aren't even going to try to move your feet? COME ON."

  2. That reminds me of trying to get through the aisles at Ross when people have shopping carts and won't move over!

  3. I just loudly say "excuse me" every time as I'm approaching them.
