Monday, September 3, 2012

Bee Sting!

        I am really curious how many of you out there have never been stung by a bee? I feel like that fortunate group includes the majority of people I have ever talked to, but I can count on 5 fingers all the times I've ever been stung that I remember, even though I know there are actually more.

       One of those times was yesterday, and it should probably actually count as two times since I was stung simultaneously by the same bee in two different places--my leg and my finger. We were eating outside on the grass when I reached down subconsciously to brush something off my leg, not realizing it was a malicious BEE until the pain struck. I was kind of confused at first because I couldn't remember what you're supposed to actually do when you get stung. But my wonderful roommate, Averill, hurried back with me to the apartment where she googled home remedies as I ran cool water over my injuries. We learned that there are many different things you can use to treat a bee sting, including meat tenderizer (I don't even know what that is, but it's legit--we read it on two different websites). Ultimately we ended up trying cortizone lotion, and then toothpaste, and then resorted to ice. Not plain old ice, of course, but laundry detergent ice. Apparently frozen detergent makes a great ice pack!



  1. Hmm, good to know about frozen laundry detergent. We've been getting crazy mosquito bites over here- any tips for those? Bee stings can be pretty painful! Hope you're doing ok now.

  2. Hmm, good to know about frozen laundry detergent. We've been getting crazy mosquito bites over here- any tips for those? Bee stings can be pretty painful! Hope you're doing ok now.
