Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rejoin the human race

        In the book, Weakness is not Sin, Wendy Ulrich notes that one way to combat shame is to "rejoin the human race". Specifically, she writes, "sharing our experience with someone who loves and supports us help us feel less isolated and alone with our shame." It's true! I fully support that thought. Here is a story to illustrate the point. . . .

        So last night we go country dancing. Jami, Austin, Jason, Cale, and me. Austin came because he loves Jami and knows she enjoys country dancing, I came just for the fun of it and to gain more practice being social (2 years away from the whole college scene throws you off a bit), and we dragged Jason and Cale along because, well, the more the merrier, right? The point is, none of us are very dance savvy. Jami and I had it the easiest because as girls we just follow whatever our partner does. The guys had the opportunity to refine their humility as they took the lead in applying dance steps they just learned. After each song we recongregated at a certain meeting point near the back wall, where we could be assured that no matter how badly we had messed up the last dance, we still had friends.

        Like during the very last song, for example, when everyone else was waiting to leave and I got asked to dance. Basically what that means is that they had a very good view of my "moves". Like when the guy spun me and I tripped over my own feet, or another time when I don't know what the heck he was doing but I ended up on my bum on the ground. What can you do except get right back up and laugh it off? And, of course, show that you can be cute and charming even if you can't dance? Afterward I returned to my friends and asked if they'd seen me fall. They had . . . at least I was no longer alone! 

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