Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thanks, Stranger

This morning I was walking up the looonnng hill to campus, on my way to my creative writing class, when I heard a male voice say, "hey" behind me. I looked over at him as he caught up, thinking it was probably someone I knew from my apartment complex, but he didn't seem familiar to me at all.

"Hey," I said, and smiled, because what else do you do? Maybe he just wanted to strike up a conversation. I'm all for meeting new people, and it didn't hurt that he was kinda cute.

He didn't respond for what felt like a few seconds, but instead looked at my backpack. I quickly visualized my backpack in my head. The only thing interesting on it is a green pin from the Kennedy Center that says Expand your World.

"Your backpack's open."

"Oh," I said, surprised. I could have sworn I'd zipped that baby up. "Thanks!"

I stopped and swung my backpack around to fix it and he kept walking. The end.


  1. He must have been struck by your beauty once he saw your face and didn't know what to say!

  2. At least it was just your backpack zipper!
