Sunday, September 30, 2012

Great roommates think alike!

        There were some companions I had on my mission where, after a few weeks of being always together, we started to pick up each other's style. With certain companions (namely, Jami :)), we would often end up in the exact same color combination for a day. Maybe it was pure coincidence part of the time, but more often than not I think it was subconscious imitation. One of us would see the other's outfit and would register that it looked dang good, and then be automatically drawn to those same colors in our own closet!

        Well, a few days ago the exact same thing happened with my roommates. I'll proudly admit that I was the first one to get ready for the day, and received compliments from my roommates on the bold color combination. Funny enough, when I met up with Jenny later in the day to get my lunch from her I thought her outfit seemed really familiar. It didn't register until a few minutes later when I realized we were wearing the exact same colors--purple and yellow! Definitely not a coincidence! I mean, who wears those colors together, really?

        Funny enough, when we got home, Averill was wearing the same shade of purple. So we took this picture:

        We didn't get another picture, but it turns out Rachel had worn a purple shirt to work that same day. Haha, we are so cool!


  1. Haha how funny! You all must get along really well. You look really cute and skinny!

  2. You look good, Abby, plus you're a trendsetter!
