Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Egg-stra fun when Averill's around!

During this period of job searching in my life, I'm often home alone. I've noticed that things just aren't that funny when you're alone. For example, when I do something dumb and no one is here to laugh about it with me and I just feel, well, dumb. Now when Averill is around - three mornings of the week - we get to do things together, and it makes everything more fun! Like when we were making breakfast and couldn't flip an egg in our teeny-tiny single egg-sized pan and instead it slipped right over the edge and down into the burner ... That may not have been so funny had I been alone, but with Averill it was hilarious!


  1. Did you still eat it?? I mean that foil looked pretty clean....

  2. Haha, no I didn't. I probably could have, but I just wasn't feelin' it...
