Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Going Dutch

My folklore teacher (who also served a mission in Belgium and the Netherlands, only back in the 80s) told us a story about his Dutch friend who moved to America. It went something like this:

I took him to a hamburger place because I wanted to share the American culture with him. We went back and forth between talking in English and talking in Dutch, because my Dutch was pretty rusty. Well, I wanted to buy his dinner for him so I asked him how to say "my treat" in Dutch. He just laughed and said he didn't think they had a word for that. 

And of course he looked at me because he knew I'd understand about the Dutch and how it's not typical for them to offer to pay for someone else's meal--not because they are rude or unfriendly, but just because their culture is thrifty. Even on dates the girls are typically expected to pay for themselves (correct me if I'm wrong...). So if you ever wondered where the term "going Dutch" came from, that's where :). 

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